A is for Austen

Breathe. That was the title of my last post on February 28th. Who knew the events that would unfold in the next month. The term “social distancing” has become a household term, and “stay home” a mandate issued by WHO and Public Health. The dissonance of writing about a trip with what is happening in our world left me pondering what else I could write about now. When I read about an April blog challenge, I was intrigued. It’s an alphabet challenge – starting with A for the first day, B for the second day and so on. You take the letter and write about a topic that begins with that letter. This simple prompt fits with these days when I feel distracted and focus is at a minimum.

A – Austen, as in Jane Austen.

As the days of March wore on, I found myself distracted and unable to focus well on reading. An author I follow, Sarah Bessey, said that she has “comfort reads”, and one of hers was “Persuasion” by Jane Austen. So, I checked out the audio through hoopla, my online library app and began my listen and my escape into the rolling hills of the old, English countryside while knitting a baby blanket for our much anticipated 4th grandie. Listening to Jane Austen’s work while knitting proved to be the perfect combination for my somewhat scattered mind. The repetitive nature of looping the French-made yarn through the knit stitches with my needle was meditative and prayerful. Seeing the work grow, while listening the interior workings of the protagonist Anne Elliot was its own match made in heaven. What may be tedium for one may be soothing for another.

My daughter and I thought this spot at the back end of our farm looks like a place in Jane Austen’s novels.

We are indeed all in this together while we stay apart. Let’s stay kind.

P.S. I’ve searched for a formal sign-up of this blog challenge and have been unable to find anything satisfactory. If you know of it, feel free to pass it along to me. Thanks!

Published by Judy

On the edge of Waterloo county, resting sedately on knoll, is an old stone house looking out towards the Grand River. This stone house and farm has been in my husband's family for years. We have been graced to call this place home for the last thirty years. Our best crop has been our four children. After years of immersing myself in raising and educating our family, the proverbial nest has slowing been emptying, opening up space for me to fill with other pursuits. Both writing and photography have been knit into my everyday living since I was very young. Sharing them is both a bit of a dream and a nightmare. But living small and in fear shrivels up a life. My thoughts are musings on God, aging, family, and simply living. My shelves are lined with books, my baskets are brimming with skeins of yarn, my closet shelves are stacked with apparel, my cellar shelves are chock full of home canning - all testaments to my inclinations. Our journeys are not solitary affairs. As I share bits of my journey with you, I hope you will be enticed to look more closely, listen more attentively, and live with abandon. May God's peace rest on your journey. Judy Mae Naomi

4 thoughts on “A is for Austen”

  1. Ardith says:

    Thanks for sharing what has been soothing for you. Beautuful baby blanket!!

    1. Judy says:

      Thank-you. I look forward to it being used soon! I hope you’re keeping well.

  2. Janet says:

    love it…and that photo…I just lingered there.

    Hugs and prayers in these foreign-feeling times!

    1. Judy says:

      Thank you. And foreign times indeed. I just read about your Mom on your last post. May she recover fully. That must have been a little scary! Stay well, and Happy Easter <3

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